Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hillridge Farms

I just love Hillridge Farms! It is a very exciting place for a toddler. We played in the corn house, watched all the animals, had a picnic lunch, took a train ride, played in the hay, went on a hayride, visited the pumpkin patched, climbed the forts, crawled through a tunnel, played in the sand, did the hokey poke and I am sure I am missing something! Whew! We had a wonderful time! Enjoy just a few of our pics, we sure are adorable dispite our red noses from the cold!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Mother's Love

Today has been a little rough. I suppose the dreaded, awful stomach virus hit or something of that nature. What amazes me is that age the age of 29, no matter if I am excited, angry, nervous, sick or whatever...I still just want my Momma! Today at my lowest point I just had to call Momma and "let it all out." I cried and told her how horrible I felt and like the wonderful mother she has always been she did her best to make me feel better with the distance between us. There is nothing like a mother's love. I hope that I am always to my baby girls what my Momma has been to me. Needless to say, I did all the things she told me and in a few minutes I was curled up and asleep. I still don't feel too hot tonight, but what a comfort it is to hear my Momma's voice. Us Lawson's, we are a very tight family...I guess that comes from moving in the ministry and so many times us 4 only had each other. I sure do love them and wish they were closer! Thanks for helping me out today like always Momma, I love you!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mommy's Determination

Recently I started a running program. I had great inspiration from my sister who has lost weight and looks amazing and Alison who is in this program and who's determination has really caught my interest! I haven't missed a day since starting the program. There have been days that I just didn't want to do it, but for some reason I just can't let this go and I always find myself right where I need to the gym on the treadmill or ar some park or lake on a walking trail. I really think I thought to be a runner would be know, if I could only run...I would be tall, skinny, running in my short shorts or tight tights with my long blond ponytail bopping back and forth with my every stride! Boy was I fact all the people I see in the gym now or on a trail are all red faced and huffing and's not so glamorous. is so rewarding! You can't imagine how proud I am of myself everytime I complete a run! Especially the first time I went with Alison and by some miracle was able to run uphill, every second required, never missing a beat! There is a great sense of accomplishment that comes with my "running training" not to mention the great workout! My goal is a 5k in June of 2010 that I will be running alongside of Alison who has so patiently worked with me and encouraged me daily! Hopefully Christy will come run along side us too, so I have both my inspirations to cross the finish line with. I decided to take the girls with me on their first "run." Keith rode the bike and pulled them along behind at Lake Lynn. We had a wondeful time! Everyone loved it. It made me and Keith realize this is the kind of family time we should have, outside, enjoying nature, being active...teaching our kids a healthy lifestyle and the beauty of God's creation. Not to mention this was an awesome way to spend our Saturday morning and it was totally FREE!

Enjoy the pictures that I had to stop and take along the way!

Sisterly love!
Posing for Mommy, holding hands on one of the many gorgeous bridges you cross along the 2 mile trail.

And...we let the girls play for a while at the end!

Daddy and his Baby Girls! (we had stopped to see a turtle!)

Sweet, Sweet Kay

And Sweet, Sweet Addi

She was trying to put her hat back was a little chilly and a little windy.

Jumping Bean!

And this is my favorite! I love this pic!

Keith created this to ride along side me! The girls love it, Keith enjoys it and it allows me to get moving!

Just a few of the many, many ducks we saw! We will be feeding these next time. We plan to go out to Lake Lynn at least once a week to watch the leaves change through the fall.

So pretty! I love this place. This makes running much more enjoyable! See, you would be addicted too with such scenery!

One of the turtles we saw!

The leaves are just barely beginning to change.

Hope you enjoyed!

A picture for you of our "Alarm Clocks"

And this is our girls this morning after wegot them out of bed! I wish I felt so good so early!

Our Alarm Clocks

I love to lay in bed and listen to the girls over the monitors. I was first blessed with hearing my little Addi as she started to sing "Jesus Loves Me" at 6:30 this morning. There is nothing that makes me more proud than to hear those words ring from those precious little lips "the Bible says so." So the singing continues until Addi starts calling "Kaaaaaaaaaay." Kay then wakes up and demands Addi stands up! Obviously the two have a meeting in the corner of their cribs as close as they can get. Addison then asks Makayla, "Do you want to go swimming?" And Kay says "yes." So Addi tells her "you need your bathing suit on!" What is in their little minds amazes me! They are so brilliant. At times it is hard to believe they are 2, but when I see how smart they are, it is hard to believe they are only 2! Anyway, the conversations, singing, barrels of laughter, and yells continue until I hear Makayla proudly declare over and over again, "I want to go shopping!" I now smile and I am ready to hit the floor running...there is a girl after my own heart! I have taught them well!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finally back to it!

I havent been too good with this blogging thing, but I have had several requests lately so...let's just start with our 2 year old pics...these are from August, they were actually made on the girls' birthday.

We stay busy, that is for sure! The girls are amazing! I cannot believe their imagination! Tonight I watched them grocery shop, put lotion on their babies (although the lotion was their play ketchup bottle), and sit on the bed and read each other stories. They talk up a storm! Keith and I were talking tonight about what good playmates they are. They just roam down the hall to one of their rooms and play. In fact, tonight we had no "fits!"

Most recently we have been spending a lot of time with family. We went this past weekend to see Nana and Papa and of course Aunt Christy, Hannah and Olivia were there! It is always wonderful to be with family! I just wish they were closer. Now the girls talk about "Papa's big playground" and how they miss everyone. I tell them I do too!