Monday, October 19, 2009

A Mother's Love

Today has been a little rough. I suppose the dreaded, awful stomach virus hit or something of that nature. What amazes me is that age the age of 29, no matter if I am excited, angry, nervous, sick or whatever...I still just want my Momma! Today at my lowest point I just had to call Momma and "let it all out." I cried and told her how horrible I felt and like the wonderful mother she has always been she did her best to make me feel better with the distance between us. There is nothing like a mother's love. I hope that I am always to my baby girls what my Momma has been to me. Needless to say, I did all the things she told me and in a few minutes I was curled up and asleep. I still don't feel too hot tonight, but what a comfort it is to hear my Momma's voice. Us Lawson's, we are a very tight family...I guess that comes from moving in the ministry and so many times us 4 only had each other. I sure do love them and wish they were closer! Thanks for helping me out today like always Momma, I love you!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

I hope you are feeling better and that the girls stay healthy!!