Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Alarm Clocks

I love to lay in bed and listen to the girls over the monitors. I was first blessed with hearing my little Addi as she started to sing "Jesus Loves Me" at 6:30 this morning. There is nothing that makes me more proud than to hear those words ring from those precious little lips "the Bible says so." So the singing continues until Addi starts calling "Kaaaaaaaaaay." Kay then wakes up and demands Addi stands up! Obviously the two have a meeting in the corner of their cribs as close as they can get. Addison then asks Makayla, "Do you want to go swimming?" And Kay says "yes." So Addi tells her "you need your bathing suit on!" What is in their little minds amazes me! They are so brilliant. At times it is hard to believe they are 2, but when I see how smart they are, it is hard to believe they are only 2! Anyway, the conversations, singing, barrels of laughter, and yells continue until I hear Makayla proudly declare over and over again, "I want to go shopping!" I now smile and I am ready to hit the floor running...there is a girl after my own heart! I have taught them well!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

How cute!! This is something I look forward to! It makes me laugh to hear Austin when he talks to himself when he plays... you are right... it is amazing what they know and what they say! I can not wait unit Austin has someone to talk to just like your girls do! What a treasure!