Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Few Favorites from 2010...

more to come later :)
Here is Papa loving on Kay before bedtime...

and here is Keith and his girls in our first snow of the season...who knew how much more was in store?!? and our Daddy's shoes...

Daddy and Momma...2010 was the year of new beginnings...the new Lawson House!!
We do lots of cuddle moments...mostly while watching Dora.

Practicing our ballet moves
the love of my life!
Christy and Hannah dancing while hanging the garland.
playing with Julia for the first time... me and my her dearly!

Nana and Papa with the grandgirls!
The first time I got to watch the girls dance.
The girls with Olivia, they have such a good time together!
My Sweet Addi-Belle
and Sweet Kayla Grace!
Grandma and Grandpa went with us to the fair and we had a great time!!
My most favorite 2 women ever!!
kisses for Nana!
Family activities keep us busy!

With Granny J!
absolute silliness :0)
and lots of sisterly love!
at the Lake!

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday after church...

heading to our 3rd birthday party!!
we took the girls to their first mudcat's game,and they say perfectly still and watched 8 innings.

the girls love, love, love to play dress up...and these next 2 pics really crack me up!

We love Lily!! This is the Sunday that they first sang on stage in church...and they did just perfect!

Glitter and Glamour...that says it all!
and this is a real snow!!!!

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