Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3 Year Old Check-Up

Today my baby girls had their 3 year old check-up. Well, they had one scheduled earlier and Mommy forgot all about it! Whoopsy! So...today was the next appointment available with Dr. Parkerson which is in the doctor that has seen them since they day they were born and she is very dear to my heart. Love her! My little girls always amaze me and of course today was no different. They did everything they were suppose to...sat still for blood pressure, weight and height...said "ah" and let the doc look down their throat, looked at the light...everything just as asked. They always make me so proud. Of course the needles came next and that breaks my heart as much as it stings their little legs. Tonight they are most pitiful walking around limping on their hurt leg that is sore from shots. No worries though, Momma is spoiling them as much as I possibly can and treating them to some fun things since they were so good today. Dr Parkerson said they were just as perfect as we thought they were :) Thank you Lord for my two healthy beautiful girls. They are such a blessing and I pray we always raise them with hearts of gratitude and You use them for Your Kingdom's work.

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