Sunday, August 29, 2010

what we've been up too...

We took the girls skating a few weeks ago. They basically got to where they could walk in the skates. They were so excited to get the skates on, but when they learned how quickly their little legs could roll out from under them, the wanted those things off! I had to relax, let them watch others skating around, and let it be THEIR idea to put the skates back on. I love my little girls for trying and we will keep working with them!

Addison playing in the game room

Daddy playing skee ball with the girls!

Makayla would not let anyone hold her hand. Shortly after this she fell flat! :(

Weeee! Our wonderful Daddy working with us to teach us!

Round and Round we go! OK, maybe just one round! Or...a quarter of a round!!!!

Big girl!!

Fun Times!!

All Smiles :o)

pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere

Me and My Girls

Sarah and Cheyenne

jumping...getting a workout!

Miss Mallory - Birthday Girl!

Look at me Mommy!

Whoa! What a little monkey!

on the balance beam...not too much of a challenge for Little Addi Belle

Makayla, Mallory and Addison!

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