Monday, January 17, 2011

That's What Weekends Are Made For

What an awesome weekend! We began the weekend by celebrating with Amy and Joe and their new life together, so exciting to celebrate new beginnings! Saturday was a super busy day between running errands, a hair appointment, gym workout and all the "run run run" of life. However, it had a beautiful ending eating dinner with the Horton's and loving on new and most adorable Silas. Then it was off to the bowling alley to celebrate Amber's 23rd birthday!! Sunday we went to church to worship our Savior and then decided to take the girls to the park to enjoy the (finally) nice weather. The 30 minute play time ended up being 2 hours at the park with an hour and a half walking nature trails. The girls loved it and Mommy got her workout in without going to the gym! I was afraid the girls would get tired and want to be carried, but they didn't! They did great! I'm running short on time this morning so I will only post one picture, but I will post more tonight so you can see how much fun we had this weekend! I stand amazed at God's great blessings and enjoy all He has given us...especially His creation...enjoying nature and the beautiful gift of friendship!

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