Monday, November 2, 2009

A Very Happy Halloween

We had a very exciting and Happy Halloween! The day started early with a trip down to see Aunt Christy, Nana and Papa back "home." We had a wonderful time with the family! The girls were a complete show off, especially after they got their Halloween costumes on. We grilled hamburgers, then headed back to Raleigh for the Fall Fest at First Assembly. The girls had a blast! The theme was "The Wizard of Oz" but of course Dorothy was trying to find the Lord and not the Wizard! The characters looked so real that it scared the girls! The girls of course loved the cotton candy and the bouncey house. Despite talking about the ponies all day long, they wouldn't get near them careless ride them! We played games, ate dinner, rode the swings, rode on the fastest hayride you can imagine in the oddest of places, watched the skit, and much more! First Assembly does a great job reaching out to the community and giving children a safe, fun, Christian alternative to Halloween! The girls were Thing 1 and Thing 2 which was an idea from Karen! They were a hit! You could hear people saying as we walked past "look! there is Thing 1 and Thing 2" and "oh, I love it!" Such a hit, and I had a whopping $6.50 in each of my home-made costumes. After the festival we stopped at Grandma's so she and Grandpa could see my cuties! The girls were still showing off and had so much to tell them with the biggest of eyes about their day! Makayla and Addison make everything so much fun!

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