Sunday, June 14, 2009

our weekend

Nana, Papa, Aunt Christy, Uncle Timmy, Hannah and Olivia came to visit this weekend! We celebrated Father's Day and my birthday. We had the best time. Nana and Papa came right through the door and right to the twin's bedroom. Nevermind the fact that I had just put them down for their nap 20 minutes earlier and they weren't asleep yet! That was perfectly fine though, I know how much everyone enjoys spending time with them. I am usually ready to get them up too after they have been asleep for an hour or so. I miss the sweet ring of laughter they bring when they are up and playing. We had a wonderful visit and we are planning another visit really soon. A much longer visit might I add! Enjoy some pics of our fun time together!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We're all having a wonderful summer and enjoying our girls more than you can imagine. I have to get better about this blogging thing...keep you all updated on all the fun we are having. It would take me a very long time to catch you up... so I will just post some fun pictures tonight to give you an update. We are currently working on potty training although we aren't working too hard. The girls talk up a storm, and we have many "sisterly love" fights these days. They have very different interests and personalities, that is for sure. The main thing I can tell you is they sure are a joy! Here are a couple of pics from working around the farm this weekend...Kay and Addi are great helpers! And for now we are anxiously waiting seeing Nana, Papa, Aunt Christy and the bunch this weekend!