Sunday, February 1, 2009

Update on the Cooke's!

We've been super busy since Christmas! Of course we had a wonderful Christmas with our family! The girls got way too much, which tends to happen so I hear! 2009 is off to a great start. We have spent lots of time with family and friends, and the girls experienced their first "real" snow. They didn't like the snow at all! I think it was too deep by the time we went outside and they were a little intimidated at all the white stuff around their feet. I will just attach a few pictures to show all some of the excitement we've been experiencing. Really, there is just too much for words. The girls are amazing and as always, Keith and I are having a blast with them everyday!My Addi with her pig tails. Kayla had them too, but her hair is so fine they wouldn't hold.Mommy and Kayla at the aquarium.Addi being silly!Kayla doing likewise!Daddy in the snow since the girls would have nothing to do with it! We sure love this man!(Above and below) travel time in the car, entertaining the girls, or are they entertaining us?!?

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love the pigtail picture! It looks like she's posing for the camera ;)