Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Christmas Time!

Yes, it is Christmas! We are really starting to get into the Christmas spirit too! Last night, Keith and I put up our tree after the girls went to bed. Putting up our tree is always so much fun because all of our ornaments mean something and are either a special gift from someone or are a souvenir of somewhere we have been together. Every year at Thanksgiving, Nana and Papa give the girls their ornament for that year, so that has become a special tradition as well. We put up a few other decorations too, but nothing like normal because we don't know how active the girls are going to be! The Christmas village is definately not out this year, maybe next year though. Basically, we have the tree and the nativity scene...the focus of Christmas. Below are pictures of the girls this morning when they saw their tree for the first time. I need to take some of them looking at the nativity and post as well. We put the nativity on top of the mantel so they couldn't reach and so that we didn't loose the pieces like we do puzzle pieces! The girls both love to look at the nativity and point to the characters. The sweetest thing ever is when they pick Baby Jesus up out of the manger and love Him and lay Him back down.

Of course now, Keith and I are anticipating Christmas morning quite like never before. However, looking at those faces light up this morning when they saw the tree and the lights, I realize more than ever that this is what Christmas is about. First of all, God's greatest gift, Baby Jesus, our Savior and next the gift of family and children and sweet time together making memories.

What we've been up to lately...

We've been having a blast lately! I have to admit, my girls are at this super fun age. Daily they are learning how to do new things and say new words. Their bursts of laughter bring me so much joy daily. I want to share a few special pictures with you that we have taken over the last couple of weeks.

First, my sleeping beauties! These pictures are precious. Keith doesn't like me to take pictures of them sleeping out of fear I am going to wake them. They have yet to wake up because of flash, but if they do, and I get a sweet was worth it!

Next, just some happy pictures of our girls!

Our beautiful family!

Play in the laundry basket, a daily favorite of ours!

Play with Tracey's pets! The girls were amazed!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our First Snow

On Friday morning, we woke up to our first snow! Daddy got our coats on as quickly as possible so we could go outside and see what we thought of the snow! This was ok for a first, but we can't wait until the ground is covered and we can dive in head first!