Monday, September 22, 2008

Cooke News...

I thought it was time for an update. Our little girls have been keeping us busy. The biggest update I suppose is the teething situation. It seems like everyday now I am finding a new tooth on one or the other! Kayla now has 2 bottom ones completely shining and one more coming in on the bottom. She also has at least 2 about to appear any day now on the top. Addison finally (at 13 months!) has one showing on the bottom and I believe her top 2 are well on the way and should be glistening any day now!

Both girls are walking. Sometimes they try to run, which them nor myself is quite ready for. Addison is in full gear and she spends most of her days walking in circles simply because she can. Kayla is still a tad unsteady but she can definately get around on her two little feet. That child loves, loves, loves shoes...a girl after my own heart! We've even had to allow her to sleep in shoes because of her refusal to take them off.

As for recent adventures, our girls mostly demand we play outside. We really would like to take them to the zoo sometime in October. The girls love to swing, that has been the case since their first encounter in a swing back in April, I think. They have the most fun at Grandma's and Grandpa's where they are free to roam the farm and have plenty of animals to look at and things to get into. Most days there are lovely dirt stains on some part of their britches! It's all good, I don't mind! They have trycles at the Grand's which they mostly push around, and of course they love riding the tractor or lawn mower. Fun times! Tonight, the girls just wanted to sit in our driveway and play with rocks. We have a huge yard with lots of pretty green grass, but they wanted the rocks. OK, whatever keeps them happy!

As for now, our little beauties are sleeping. This is another milestone and a wonderful thing to have a routine and bedtime. They will be up bright and early in the morning to help Mom put her makeup on before going to work. (yes, they sit on the counter with me EVERY morning and play with my makeup while I get me insane, but they'll be grown soon and I will be thrilled I spent that time with them every morning, and while we are on that soapbox, we have the same routine with dinner in the kitchen!) So, yes, at 8 they go to bed and Keith and I straighten the house, get clothes ready, wash dishes, and so forth. But of course not tonight, it's Monday Night Football, so take care, enjoy the game and thanks for sharing our wonderful world with us.

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