Monday, August 11, 2008

What we've been up to...

It's been a while since a posting, so I thought we were due. My how time flies. The girls have definately become "Little Miss Independents!" They now hold their bottles and go to bed by themselves. There is not even any crying when we lay them down at night. (and sometimes I wish there was so I could hold them one more time before I turn in!) But, this gives me and Keith time to do a few things around the house, although this week the Olympics have our attention and prior to that, we are usually worn out and almost ready for bed too! I am glad the girls have declared this new independence, but it's also an eye opener as to how fast they are growing. Just looking at their first professional pictures takes my breathe away! They still seem so small now, but man, they were TINY! Kayla and Addi do still allow us to give them their night time bottles, but in just a couple of weeks when they strike the big 1, the bottle will be going away as well as my night time cuddle before we sing "Jesus Loves Me" and they go to sleep for the night. You know, cancel that, Momma will always have her nighttime cuddle and song time. (after all it wasn't until I moved out that I stopped my night time cuddle with my Mom, and when we are together, I still try to squeeze that in ;-))

We've been spending a lot more time at home lately because with the hussle and running around of life, we miss quality time with our family...which is by far what matters most. Playing in the floor, outside or whatever we are doing is so much better than being confined to a vehicle or a noisy restaurant. Don't get me wrong, meal times here are noisy, but it is the sole laughter of the 2 most amazing baby girls in the world I hear...and their Father getting tickled at them! Kayla and Addi enjoy their food! And we all play around the house like a bunch of monkeys, but hey, the twins like it when Momma and Daddy crawl with them! Then there are the real entertaining times, but I've said enough (and Keith is waiting for my help!) Enjoy a few pics of us around the house loving our precious, adorable, beautiful, amazing little girls!

"We've got this Mom!" (look how tall they are!)

Kayla getting ready for church on Sunday, she is fine until we leave her in the nursery!

Daddy driving us around the house in the laundry basket!

In Daddy's shoes! (for some reason the girls like to hide their passy in Keith's shoes!)

Pajama party before bedtime!

Stay tuned for their first birthday pics! It is fast approaching!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love this post! They are really growing fast! They are so cute too! I can't wait to see you guys again! Love you!