Sunday, June 19, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

For Easter this year we went to spend a few days at Nana and Papa's! We had a blast! The Easter Bunny made an early delivery...Aunt Christy bought us new bikes!! We played all weekend, had fun with family, Jessica and Julia, went to the EBC egg hunt, and learned to ride our new bikes!

It was the night of Hannah's 8th grade prom.

There were a lot of deer out Easter Sunday!

Dying Easter eggs with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Net when we got back home!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day Out and About

walking around the WRAL gardens...beautiful!

we met David Crabtree...he was super nice!

Enjoying the scenery at Meredith, my personal favorite place!

the girls watching the turtles and geese from the gazebo!

monkeying around at MC!

Chapel steps. The girls love to run around the Chapel for some reason!!

Daddy's turn! We walked around NCSU for a while!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Me and Oliva

Our uninvited guest! That's ok, he didn't get to hang around too long!

Miss Abigail

Keith and Cinderella were having a discussion!

We walk to the farm so the girls can feed the goats.

and then to love on the baby bunnies!

Peggy and Olivia

Linda and Abby

Daddy's girl

Our girls!

Checking out all of our goodies!

me, Andi and Suzanne

Lunch time!

Playing inside

me and Abby

Miss Tammy pushes the girls

Bouncey house time!!

Andi, Tammy, me, Peggy and Linda

Sweet, sweet girls!