Sunday, February 13, 2011

play date!

We had a playdate today with some of our favorite friends! We had so much fun...we must do it again soon!
Pretty Girls!

cooking up some supper!

I think I interrupted them!!

all of us pausing for a snack

Andi & Abby
Olivia and Me!

Abby is laid back eating her supper

Lily sure is excited

Miss Olivia
BUSTED! Too funny!!!
Found them!
thanks for vacuming Olivia :)
Sweet Thing!
love our girls <3> craft time

high heels and blue kind of girl!

Keith gained popularity when it was time to watch bull riding...and eat candy!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Down East to See the Allen's!

This weekend we took a day trip to Beaufort to see Lindsay, Lee, and TJ! Although our visit was too short, we had a great time! We had some play time around the house and while the kids played Lindsay and I caught up. We ate lunch and then headed to the park for some out door playtime. After playing for a while, we walked down to the water and then to Dairy Queen for ice cream. It was a fabulous day!!

I'm the man!! :)

three little monkies!

sand angel!

Happy Birthday to TJ!!

Amazing Sunday Afternoons

As previously mentioned, Regan and I get together on Sunday afternoons to hit the trails. These are pics from our 6.4 miler last Sunday. Just splendid :)