Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day! The day began with Keith giving his girls their Valentine...a tradition that my Daddy always did, so I would like for Keith to always do... and everyone knows how much Keith loves his girls! We went to church...which was exceedingly wonderful today...and Aunt Christy was waiting for us in our driveway when we got home. Bobby and Sharon, Grandma and Grandpa also stopped in for visits! We ended our day with some play time with our buddy Lily (although we didn't pull out the camera for that one today). Today was such a blessing! Although, everyday is truly a gift from God. Enjoy some pics from our special day...

Daddy gave us candy and books...what else could a girl need?!?

Lawson Girls!

Lovin' on our Aunt Christy

I love my Sister!

Bobby and Sharon with the girls! They are so thoughtful, and the girls adore them!

Aunt Christy got her birthday present!

My Valentine! Mr. Wonderful!

Opening our Valentine from Daddy...our Prince Charming!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Snow of the Year

The love of my life!

Our snowman family...made with love by Grandma and girls!

Grandma and her girls!

Daddy and the girls...riding in the girls' wagon!

Illinois Trip

We left Christmas night for a 14 hour drive to St. Louis (I don't fly!). James is currently stationed there (well, in Shiloah, IL but St. Louis is only a few minutes away!) and this was the first time the cousins on this side of the family had seen each other since my girls were about 6 months old. These few pics don't begin to cover it all...but enjoy!

Addi riding the zebra...City Museum

Keith and Kay sliding down...City Museum...awesome place!

Me and my girls, City Museum


Pajama party! This was a nightly occurance!

New Year's Eve party for the kids!

Kay and the Magic House...another awesome place. St. Louis seems to be very kid friendly!

Dakota and Addison dancing!

This was the first time it snowed while we were there. Miss Dakota running outside!

Keith being silly...City Museum

Keith and Kay...City Museum...waiting for the circus to start!

Keith and Jay Man wrestling...another daily occurance.

Kay's hair...Keith liked this!

Kay in the snake slide...City Museum

Kay playing in the blocks...(City)

Kay in the art center...making her New Year's Eve hat.

Kay and Julie

Julie in the rocket slide (City)

Julie being silly


me and my girls having fun...Magic House

Dakota Jane

Curious George...the only one Addi would get near.

Me, Makayla and Curious George...Magic House

Cousins...silly faces

City Museum, crooks, turns, slides, caves everywhere!

Inside the Arch.

My Addi-Belle

Addison playing the piano...City

Christmas in Lilesville

Papa and Addi-Belle

Nana and her girls!

Daddy and his girls!


Lawson Girls!!!!