Monday, July 21, 2008

Twins, meet TJ!

Lindsay, Lee, and TJ came to town this weekend. The twins (and me and Keith) got to meet TJ for the first time! He is precious. As for now, the twins just wanted to grab his face which can be a little dangerous seeing how Addison has brought Keith to his knees in tears twice grabbing his nose (this included blood too). So as from now we will babble from a distance, but imagine how fun it will be when they are chasing each other! Addison and TJ are about the same height and there is a 6 month difference. Makayla has them all beat! She stands "Boss Hog" for now!

Double the Hugs, Double the Love, Double the Mess!

Sunday lunch can be a challenge. The girls have played to their little hearts content for 3 hours, usually with no nap. When we pick them up from the nursery, they are so tired they can barely keep their heads up or eyes open, but first they want to fill their bellies (like we all do!). So this Sunday I decided to do something I have yet to do...pop open a can of Spaghetti O's. I thought I had an idea of how messy this would be, so I took their nice Sunday dresses off so they could have "sensory play" as much as they desire. Oh what a mess! The good news is they like Spaghetti O's. The bad news is we had them from one end to the other, I mean babies and dining room! Right after lunch they had a very early bath. As soon as they were out of the tub, the boster chair trays went in! This is not likely to happen for a while, but it sure made for cute pictures. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

2nd cake

For all of you who know about my cake decorating is my second cake.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finally! An update!

We've been busy, busy, busy, so I haven't touched this blog since the beginning of May. We have had tons of fun this summer, and I am going to try to get back into this. The girls have been busy swimming, cooking out, going to the park, playing outside, farming and all those fun things. They are the most amazing little things I could ever imagine. Of course this blog would be a mile long if I told you everything we had done, so I will just post a couple of pictures and strive to be better going forward.
